
Are you interested in joining a program where you can grow and learn to become a leader?

The 女性的进步 Initiative uniquely positions women for success through education and leadership programs, 研究和奖学金机会, 以及职业关系和经验.



The Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) program is an exclusive leadership development, 恢复训练, 以及为女大学生提供的职业准备项目.

Designed to respond to the unique opportunities and challenges of female students at each stage of their undergraduate experience, LEAD为学生提供工具, 培训, and community to successfully navigate the journey to and through 大学 to life and careers. 


  • Being inspired to lead and take pride in your individual and collective achievements.
  • Feeling empowered through experiential leadership 培训 and problem-solving opportunities.
  • Experiences to build a resume including job shadowing, internships and community service.
  • Exploring scholarship opportunities offered by The Women's Advancement Initiative.
  • 与一个支持性的网络建立联系.
  • 生活和职业准备课程,包括薪资谈判, 个人财务状况, 面试技巧.
  • 参加郊游、活动、论坛和会议的机会.
  • 专业, practical-life skill and leadership development sessions twice a month for all four years while you are at the 立博体育官网.
  • 培养与女性同伴之间的终身纽带,让她们相互赋权.

LEAD是针对立博体育官网的女本科生的. 它的队列项目限制在每个毕业班25-30名学生.

The call for LEAD applications is sent every spring to incoming first-year students.

The application deadline for the 2024-2025 school year is June 3, 2024.

The 多萝西古德温学者hip is dedicated to supporting selected sophomore, 初级, and senior women* students and their faculty mentor who are engaging in innovative research or creative projects. 奖学金金额在1000 - 3000美元之间.

这项奖学金是为了纪念多萝西·古德温而设立的, 一个教育家, 政治家, 世界旅行, 有远见的, 家庭成员, who inspired women and girls to live beyond limitations and realize their full potential. She recognized and modeled that reaching one’s potential requires challenging opportunities, 提交导师, 财政支持. 为了纪念她的影响力和慈善精神, The 女性的进步 Initiative is proud to announce this annual scholarship program.




多萝西古德温学者 will be creative self-starters who meet the following criteria:

  • 目前在读全日制本科二年级的女学生, 初中, or seniors at any school or 大学 at the 立博体育官网 studying any academic discipline are eligible to apply.
  • 学习成绩优异,3分.0≥指定项目期间的总GPA.
  • Develop and be able to implement an innovative scholarly research or creative project that will be explored in partnership with a 立博体育官网 faculty mentor (including adjunct faculty)
  • Applicants must participate in additional events throughout the academic year.
  • Examples of possible projects: A student musician might explore the works of a little-known composer, crafting a performance bringing the life and works of the composer into greater public knowledge. A student scientist might pair with a faculty mentor in carrying out a particular set of experiments as an independent project or as one aspect of a greater research agenda; the results compiled into a poster session for a professional conference or a paper co-authored and submitted to an academic journal. 学生社会学家可能会选择一个离散的社会问题, 设计可能实施的干预措施, 测量, 和评估.

被选中的学生申请人将获得1美元的奖励包,000 - $3,000, payable in two installments (75% of award will be payable at start of scholarship period and 25% of award will be paid upon completion of project requirements). This includes submission of updates for 女性的进步’s social media and e-newsletters once a month, 感谢给使这个项目成为可能的捐赠者的信, 完成最终报告.

Specific uses of the award will be reviewed with individual recipients, 可能包括奖学金, 项目材料, 会议注册, 旅行, 等. 除了, faculty mentors will also receive $500 toward professional development in recognition of their service and project oversight.

  • 申请人的名字, address, 电子邮件(大学和个人), 电话(手机和家庭), 预计毕业日期, 大学, 部门, 和主要
  • 个人简历及成绩单(接受非官方复印件)
  • 叙述:最多三页双倍行距, please describe the following elements of your proposed research or creative project:
    • 奖学金期限:2024年春季或2024年春季/夏季
    • Project Summary: Provide an overall project summary in 500 words or less. 包括一个简短的项目描述, 这个研究/项目的需要, 处理/计划你的研究/项目开发, how this research/project will impact your future career and personal aspirations, 建议使用奖学金, 并说明这个项目是否有额外的资金.
    • 项目计划:你的项目目标是什么? 在实现这些目标的过程中,你将扮演什么角色?
    • Project Timetable: When, and in what sequence, will project activities take place?
    • Personal Goals: What do you anticipate learning from the research project, 还有你的导师? 这和你未来的计划有什么关系? 获得这项奖学金将如何改变你的生活?
    • 财务计划: 多萝西古德温奖学金获得者可获得1,000 - 3,000美元的奖金. How do you anticipate to use this award, both personal and project-related? 你的项目已经有额外的资金了吗? 包括一个表格,总结你的财务计划.



Proposals will be judged by a committee representing the Board of The 女性的进步 Initiative. 评审工作将按下列准则进行:

  • 工程质量 
  • 独创性:研究或创造性项目的独创性
  • 研究或创意项目的可行性
  • Student applicants’ capacity to contribute to, and benefit from, mentor partnership
  • 教师 mentors’ capacity to contribute to, and benefit from, mentee partnership
  • 学生参加学年计划的可用性

Awardees will be expected to participate in periodic workshops and advising sessions with staff and volunteers of The 女性的进步 Initiative that will enhance their experience.

All 多萝西古德温学者 will publicly present their projects at The 女性的进步 Initiative’s Annual Symposium scheduled for March 28, 2023. Students must include—This project is made possible with underwriting support from The 女性的进步 Initiative—on Power Points, 施舍, 或其他公开演讲.

学生必须提交初始和最终的感谢信, 每月项目更新, 最后一份报告.

提交 completed proposals to The 女性的进步 Initiative Director Dina Morris, via email at womenadv@zynzbl.com or glmorris@zynzbl.com. 如需提案协助,请致电860.768.5961或发邮件给Amy Jaffe Barzach barzach@zynzbl.com.

提交建议书至 womenadv@zynzbl.com by 2023年10月22日,星期日


由他的遗孀玛格丽特·多诺万(Margaret Donovan)创建的罗伯特·E. 多诺万奖学金基金表彰和庆祝罗伯特·E. 多诺万相信教育的变革力量. These scholarships are given each year to one or more female students studying engineering who are on track to complete their degrees, 但他们需要经济援助才能继续.